
+92 51 2113414-5



MOL Pakistan initiated its operations in Pakistan back in 2001, and shortly after its inception, it chose CRS for its corporate promotion. CRS takes great pride in sharing that its enduring partnership with MOL Pakistan continues to thrive. MOL Pakistan stands out as one of Pakistan’s foremost corporate entities, having harnessed nearly all of the CRS’s communication services. These encompass a comprehensive range, including extensive MediaRelations (both print and electronic) covering regions from the north to the federal capital and beyond, CorporatePromotion, Event Management, Executive Profile Enhancement, StrategicInterventions, Political Mapping and, most importantly, Crisis Management. CRS firmly believes that actions speak louder than words, and the ongoing journey of collaboration between CRS and MOL Pakistan exemplifies this principle.


Pioneering Strategic Communication in Pakistan, CRS has been a market leader since 1997.

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